Want to Support the Team?

Read Our Letter!

Our 22 year old team is one of the oldest in West Michigan. Throughout those years we have seen positive growth from our students and our community through our outreach programs that help young and old minds to spark interest in STEM education.

There are many ways to support the team
  • Volunteer Hours
  • Material Donations
  • Monetary Donations
  • Service Donations**
  • Other In-Kind Donations
Want to become a sponsor?
Your support helps our students futures by allowing us to cover the cost of our expanding team.

Description Any $200 $500 $1000 $3000 $5000
Name will be placed on Team Website Donor Tab
Name/logo on Team Website Home Page
Name/logo in our team pit area
Name/logo will be displayed on our robot*
Name/logo placed on the FIRST league website
Name announced at competitions which announce team sponsors
A personal signed team photo
For Your Generous Sponsorship ($500+)*
Your company name and/or logo will be:
  • Displayed on our Team website
  • Displayed on our FIRST league website
  • Displayed on our Robots as we compete
  • Displayed on our sponsor board at outreach events
  • Announced at competitions
For your support we give you:
  • A personalized thank you from our students and mentors
For any additional inquiries about being a sponsor.
Email our head of marketing at DemonsRobotics858@gmail.com
*This will remain the same for the entire calender year
**Not Tax Deductible. Only if materials you donate were used.